In 2012, Kids Dance Outreach (KDO) was founded so that all children everywhere, regardless of geographic background, ability, or socioeconomic status, could experience high-quality dance and arts education. Through KDO programs, children are empowered to succeed and equipped with the tools to persevere, be courageous, and develop empathy as they explore new and unimaginable ways to perceive themselves and others.

WHO WE reach

KDO In-School Programs reach elementary-age children in public and charter schools throughout Marion County, where Indianapolis is located. The KDO Advanced Scholarship Programs are composed of students from the In-School and Summer Programs, with offerings for students up through eighth grade. With a commitment to providing high-quality dance education to all children, all KDO programs are inclusive for children with physical, cognitive, and developmental disabilities. The Dancers with Disabilities Programs offer further opportunities specifically designed for children with disabilities to learn and grow in a safe and joyful environment. More than 2,000 children participate in KDO each year.

To date, more than 20,000 children have participated in KDO’s high-quality dance and arts education programs.

While every KDO program mirrors its own community, overall, KDO programs reach a population that reflects Marion County. While we recognize that statistics can’t capture the full extent of our community, particularly regarding the experience of our youth, it is essential to contextualize the environment in which our programs take place.

Current statistics for Marion County show that:

  • 29% of families are designated as Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) — households that earn above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) but cannot afford the basic cost of living in their county (United Way);
  • 23% of youth live below the poverty line (Indiana Youth Institute – IYI);
  • While the Indianapolis Public School district currently offers all meals free of charge for families, 68.9% of families would be eligible for free or reduced lunch (NICHE);
  • As over 60% of youth in Marion County identify as minorities (IYI), KDO reaches students from all different backgrounds.


All KDO classes are taught by a Team of highly trained Teaching Artists and Musicians and always include live music (piano and percussion). Through specialized teaching techniques, KDO utilizes unique and accessible movement vocabulary to promote structure, discipline, focus, empathy, and self-confidence.  At the core of KDO’s methodology is cultivating acceptance and celebrating uniqueness, encouraging each child to succeed while building community.

our committment

It’s all about the children. This relentless focus on the children consistently guides KDO’s mission, business model, and growth. It dictates a strong commitment to respecting high standards, excellence, and stewardship every step of the way.  At the genesis of KDO’s mission is the belief that all children deserve a chance to dance. We firmly believe and have witnessed the power of the Arts as a catalyst for change. Together, we will continue to seek innovative ways to effect change in our community and the world through our mission and strive to be part of that change. 

interested in learning more? Contact Associate Director, Community Engagement and Programming, Dana Vanderburgh, at dvanderburgh@kdoutreach.org.


Community engagement and partnerships are a vital part of the work of KDO, as outreach is the anchor of the organization. KDO’s mission exists and is fueled by our communities’ need to access high-quality dance and arts programs. We receive numerous inquiries from school administrators, parents, and other community organizations to bring KDO programs for their children or the children they serve. While maintaining the programs’ core structure and goals, KDO works individually with each school, parent, and organization representative to design programming that best suits their needs. Whether it be a public performance, professional development for educators, interactive workshop, specific program curriculum design, theme-driven content, or other activity, our team works to ensure that we can provide what our community needs within our capacity.

associate of national dance institute (andi)

In a significant stride beyond our local community partnerships, KDO proudly assumed the role of the Indiana Associate of the National Dance Institute of New York (ANDI) in 2018. This distinction places KDO as the sole program in Indiana and one of a select few, numbering about a dozen, in the entire country. This exclusive association propels NDI’s pedagogy, standards of excellence, and best practices in community arts education programs for children.  As part of this prestigious association, the KDO Teaching Team frequently engages in training, collaborations, and exchanges led by NDI. National Dance Institute (NDI) is a non-profit arts education organization founded in 1976 by ballet star Jacques d’Amboise. Under the artistic direction of Kay Gayner, and a staff of professional Teaching Artists, NDI uses dance and music to instill in students a love of the arts, a passion for learning, and a desire to strive for their personal best.

Courtesy National Dance Institute — KDO Teaching Artist Kelvin Burzon participating in NDI Teacher Training, 2023.